Apocalyptic or integrated? For a critical use of artificial intelligence in summarization practice


  • Vito Luigi Castrignanò Università del Salento




Teaching of Italian, Summary, Artificial Intelligence


The article, examining the practice of summarizing, intends to promote the interaction between the human mind and artificial intelligence (AI) in the teaching of Italian. This is an attempt at conciliation between the position of the "integrated" (who see the introduction of AI in schools extremely favourably, perhaps attributing too many advantages to it) and that of the "apocalyptic" (who, on the contrary, fear that the use of this new technology can lead to the collapse of fundamental knowledge). In reality, the real challenge for the current education system is another: it is about strengthening students' critical skills, using applications based on algorithms in an anthropocentric way.


27 Dec 2024

How to Cite

Castrignanò, V. L. “Apocalyptic or integrated? For a critical use of artificial intelligence in summarization practice”. Testo e Senso, vol. 1, no. 28, Dec. 2024, pp. 215-27, doi:10.58015/2036-2293/730.



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