Means define purpose. On the relationship between digital infrastructure and school


  • Giovanni Barracco
  • Anna Angelucci



GAFAM, Multimodality


The contribution investigates the relationship between GAFAM companies, the educational institution and cognitive learning processes. After having exposed the epistemological and cultural premises from which the idea of ​​a revolution in education by means of technological tools was born, the intervention focuses on the limits and risks associated with the inclusion of the school institution within the infrastructure of GAFAM (risks related to the very purpose of the school and to the ultimate goals of teaching, which expose themselves to a reduction in a utilitarian and economicistic key) and on the problematic and conflictual relationship between digital tools and learning and between the forms (methods) of learning and its contents.


12 Dec 2022

How to Cite

Barracco, G., and A. Angelucci. “Means Define Purpose. On the Relationship Between Digital Infrastructure and School”. Testo E Senso, no. 24, Dec. 2022, pp. 7-26, doi:10.58015/2036-2293/599.



Dossier: In the Web of GAFAM: Smartphones, Platform Society and Monopsons of Knowledge