Enter the Dystopian Avenger: Genre Blurring and Détournement in Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s "V for Vendetta"


  • Daniele Croci Tor Vergata


My work here considers Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s graphic novel V for Vendetta ([1990] 2005, hereinafter VfV) to investigate the hybridization between the formulaic patterns of Anglo-American superhero comics and dystopian science fiction. The theoretical framework stems from Darko Suvin’s study of sci-fi as “literature of cognitive estrangement” (1979: 4) characterized by the presence of a novum, i.e. a “totalizing phenomenon or relationship deviating from the author’s and implied reader’s norm of reality” (64). Drawing on these analytical categories, I argue that the cross-contamination between superhero comics and dystopian fiction formulas leads to significant problematization of VfV’s formal structure. This radical reconfiguration is characterised by both a diegetic and metatextual strategy of creative appropriation, in which intertextual allusions and quotations are repurposed as means of political and cultural resistance.



18 dic 2019

Come citare

Croci, D. «Enter the Dystopian Avenger: Genre Blurring and Détournement in Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s “V for Vendetta”». Testo e Senso, n. 20, dicembre 2019, https://testoesenso.it/index.php/testoesenso/article/view/427.



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